By the River

By the River

Hi Everyone,

This is my first blog post, I’m no writer but I thought it would be good to document my artistic processes, so I can reflect but also to see how I have developed over the last year, through environmental changes and who or what i’ve been inspired by to create new works.

When I first started drawing I worked in a shop full time, seeing hundreds of faces everyday from all walks of life and hearing their stories. This really connected me with a sense of the ever evolving Margate community. For some that haven’t followed me for long, I am Margate born and bred, growing up by the seaside you are influenced by the surroundings. I’ve loved the sunsets, sense of freedom when you walk from bay to bay. Although my art hasn’t always reflected on this, unlike Turner. People were my direct influence and thats why my art was so heavily focused on portrait art.

Since then during lockdown, I've moved out into the English countryside and im surrounded by an abundance of nature and it has definitely worked its way into my artwork. My latest series of artworks are inspired by what I see around me everyday, the constant colour changes and seasons, new fresh pops of colour, the pure abstraction in nature, the shapes, textures, colours, movement, the way I feel walking amongst it, the freedom I feel when I paint is all connected to nature.

I am working in mixed mediums, mostly acrylics and pastels currently which is a continuation from my previous Pastel collection but exploring their different uses, being less structured, free like nature and adding new depths as I progress.

Thanks for taking the time to read my first blog, I’ll look to do these more regularly.
